Hard edge universality of Muttalib-Borodin ensembles with real parameter θ, (Download), https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.14840.
Biorthogonal polynomials related to quantum transport theory of disordered wires, (Download), https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.03720.
Universality for random matrices with equi-spaced external source: a case study of a biorthogonal ensemble (With Tom Claeys), (Download), Journal of Statstical Physics, 188 (2022), paper no. 11, (28 pages).
A vector Riemann-Hilbert approach to the Muttalib-Borodin ensembles (With Lun Zhang), (Download), Journal of Functional Analysis, 282 (2022), 109380 (84 pages).
Non-monotonic confining potential for generalized random matrix model (With Swapnil Yadav, Kazi Alam and Khandker Muttalib), (Download), Physical Review E, 103 (2021), 042137, (11 pages).
Eigenvector distribution in the critical regime of BBP transition (With Zhigang Bao), (Download), Probability Theory and Related Fields, 182 (2022), 399--479.
Generalized random matrix model with additional interactions (With Swapnil Yadav, Kazi Alam and Khandker Muttalib), (Download), Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and Theoretical, 53 (2020), 15001, (15pages).
Integral formulas of ASEP and q-TAZRP on a ring (With Zhipeng Liu and Axel Saenz), (Download), Communications in Mathematical Physics, 379 (2020), 261--325.
Lyapunov exponent, universality and phase transition for products of random matrices (With Dang-Zheng Liu and Yanhui Wang), (Download), Communictions in Mathematical Physics}, 399 (2023), 1811--1855}.
Asymptotics of free fermions in a quadratic well at finite temperature and the Moshe-Neuberger-Shapiro random matrix model (With Karl Liechty) (Download), Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques, 56 (2020), 1072--1098.
Distributions of a particle's position and their asymptotics in the q-deformed totally asymmetric zero range process with site dependent jumping rates (With Eunghyun Lee) (Download), Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 129 (2019), 1795--1828.
Nonintersecting Brownian bridges between reflecting or absorbing walls (With Karl Liechty) (Download), Advances in Mathematics, 309 (2017), 155--208.
Propagation of singular behavior for Gaussian perturbations of random matrices (With Tom Claeys, Arno B. J. Kuijlaars and Karl Liechty) (Download), Communications in Mathematical Physics, 362 (2018), 1--54.
Two Lax systems for the Painlevé II equation, and two related kernels in random matrix theory (With Karl Liechty) (Download), SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 48 (2016), 3618--3666.
The transition probability of the q-TAZRP (q-Bosons) with inhomogeneous jump rates (With David Waugh) (Download), Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA), 12 (2016), 037, (16 pages). Contribution to the special issue on Asymptotics and Universality in Random Matrices, Random Growth Processes, Integrable Systems and Statistics in honor of Percy Deift and Craig Tracy.
Correlation kernels for sums and products of random matrices (With Tom Claeys and Arno B. J. Kuijlaars) (Download), Random Matrices: Theory and Applications, 4 (2015), 1550017, (31 pages).
Muttalib--Borodin ensembles in random matrix theory --- realisations and correlation functions (With Peter J. Forrester) (Download), Electronic Journal of Probability, 22 (2017), paper no. 54, (43 pages).
Bulk and soft-edge universality for singular values of products of Ginibre random matrices (With Dang-Zheng Liu and Lun Zhang) (Download), Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques, 52 (2016), 1734--1762.
Fluctuations of TASEP and LPP with general initial data (With Ivan Corwin and Zhipeng Liu) (Download), Annals of Applied Probability, 26 (2016), 2030--2082.
Nonintersecting Brownian motions on the unit circle (With Karl Liechty) (Download) Annals of Probability, 44 (2016), 1134--1211.
Random matrix minor processes related to percolation theory (With Mark Adler and Pierre van Moerbeke) (Download), Random Matrices: Theory and Applications, 2 (2014), 1350008, (72 pages).
Random matrices with equispaced external source (With Tom Claeys) (Download), Communications in Mathematical Physics, 328 (2014), 1023--1077.
On a relationship between high rank cases and rank one cases of Hermitian random matrix models with external source, (With Jinho Baik) (Download), Random Matrix Theory, Interacting Particle Systems and Integrable Systems (Edited by Percy Deift and Peter Forrester), MSRI Publications 65, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2014), 25--38.
On the largest eigenvalue of a Hermitian random matrix model with spiked external source II. Higher rank case (With Jinho Baik) (Download), International Mathematical Research Notes, (2013), 3304--3370.
The largest eigenvalue of real symmetric, Hermitian and Hermitian self-dual random matrix models with rank one external source, part I (Download), Journal of Statistical Physics, 146 (2012), 719--761.
On the largest eigenvalue of a Hermitian random matrix model with spiked external source I. Rank one case (With Jinho Baik) (Download), International Mathematical Research Notes, (2011), 5164--5240.
Random matrices with external source and KP τ functions (Download), Journal of Mathematical Physics, 50 (2009), 073506 (10 pages).
The largest sample eigenvalue distribution in the rank 1 quaternionic spiked model of Wishart ensemble (Download), Annals of Probabability, 37 (2009), 1273--1328.
A PDE for the multi-time joint probability of the Airy process (Download), Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 238 (2009), 819--833.
Spiked Models in Wishart Ensemble (arXiv), Brandeis University, 2008.
Last modified: Mon 14 Feb 00:28:30 Beijing time 2022 by WANG Dong